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"Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever" (WSC #1). God has created us to worship Him, and to be transformed by Him as we worship. Here are a few characteristics of our worship at TCC:



Our worship is filled with the historic hymns of the faith, the ecumenical creeds and confessions of the church throughout the ages, and various other traditional elements. We celebrate the Lord's Supper on a weekly basis, and our basic texts for worship are the ESV Bible and the Trinity Psalter Hymnal, accompanied by a Supplementary Songbook.



One of the traditional elements of our worship is the select use of liturgical readings. Not only does this promote a sense of corporate unity in worship, and furnish the mind with vocabulary for private prayer, but it fosters an attitude of joyful reverence that can be hard to find in our modern, casual age. God desires to be worshiped "in reverence and awe" (Hebrews 12:28) and he commands us to "rejoice with trembling" (Psalm 2:11). This is the balance we seek to cultivate at TCC.



Worship is a holy conversation between God and his people in which he speaks to us by his Word and we respond in prayer and praise. At TCC, this dialogue flows according to a biblical, gospel pattern: Call > Confession > Consecration > Communion > Commission. We worship God with our spirits, our voices, and our bodies - glorifying God together, as the unified body of Christ.


  • For more information about our theology of worship, see our Statement of Worship here.

  • For a recent order of worship as it appears in our bulletin, click here.

Music Sheets
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